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Anaïs Salamon

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

09/06/2017, Notice revised on 12/06/2017

Established in August 1973, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) is one five regional commissions created in order to fulfil the economic and social objectives set out in the United Nations Charter. ESCWA aims at supporting economic and social development in member countries, promoting cooperation both within the region and with other regions, and raising awareness of regional needs. Eighteen Arab countries are members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, the State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

In addition to supporting and managing projects, and establishing partnerships with non-governmental organizations and regional organizations (the Arab League for example), an important part of the mission of ESCWA is to participate in the production of knowledge on the region. The Publications page gives access to a wide variety of documents such as Reports and Studies, Data and Statistics, Working Papers and Brief Papers, all of which can be downloaded in PDF. Publications can be searched, browsed by type, by theme/sub-theme, or by year of publication (2005-2017)

The website and all documents are accessible in English and Arabic.


Mots-clés :


Lieux :

Monde Arabe

Périodes :

20e siècle, 21e siècle

Noms propres :

Nations Unies

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Electronic reference

Anaïs Salamon, « United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) », Aldébaran, Portails thématiques, [Online], Put online on 09 June 2017 21h51. URL : Consulted on 19 April 2024.

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