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Anaïs Salamon

Hikmat: Texts, Translations, Thoughts, Philosophy, Literature, Shi'i Islam, Urdu, Persian, Iran, India

Notice créée le 06/06/2017, Notice révisée le 06/06/2017

Hikmat is an academic blog created in 2007, and maintained since then by an anonymous British Academic calling himself Mulla Sadra. This scholar specializes in the intellectual history of the Muslim world throughout the ages, with a focus on philosophy and theology.

Hikmat includes almost 150 scholarly book and article critical reviews written over the years by the blog owner. If the frequency of publication is irregular, reviews are lengthy, well referenced, and deeply analytical.

A mobile version is available.

The blog is in English.

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Référence électronique

Anaïs Salamon, « Hikmat: Texts, Translations, Thoughts, Philosophy, Literature, Shi'i Islam, Urdu, Persian, Iran, India », Aldébaran, Blogs et listes de diffusion, [En ligne], mis en ligne le 06 juin 2017 21h39. URL : consulté le 18 avril 2024.

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